IAI were exhibiting at Aero India, Asia’s premier air show. The biennial event attracts the world’s biggest aerospace, defence, civil aviation, airport infrastructure and defence engineering companies and provides a platform to bolster business opportunities in the international aviation sector.
The 2017 show experienced exponential growth from 2015 and is now the central hub for defence business across Asia.
Mentfield’s Exhibitions department took care of shipping one of IAI’s proprietary UAVs – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles – from Israel to India by air and sea freight including chartering a Boeing 747 cargo plane on a very tight schedule. The UAV was delivered and displayed in pride of place.
From India to Australia…
Straight after Aero India during exhibition season was AVALON 2017, the Australian International Aerospace & Defence Expo. It runs two concurrent events, the Expo for exhibitors and trade and a public air show and Mentfield took the UAV to its next destination, Avalon Airport in the state of Victoria.
AVALON 2017 is one of the leading gateways to the strategically important global and specifically Asia-Pacific aerospace and defence markets and Mentfield took the UAV to Australia, again chartering a Boeing 747 cargo plane to make the 9,000km journey from Bangalore in India to Victoria.
Mentfield’s highly experienced Exhibitions department expertly ship oversized, heavy and special cargo all over the world including high-tech, military and civilian hardware, plastics and medical equipment.
For more information, please contact us today.